Abschlussarbeiten und Forschungspraktika
Neben den unten aufgeführten Themen können Sie auch gern in folgenden Forschungsfeldern initiativ eigene Themen bearbeiten:
- Evaluation of theories of development and growth from today’s perspective
- Competitiveness and Policies: Do environmental policies reduce competitiveness?
- Environmental Policies and the impact on international trade
- Impact assessment of Innovation on Wellbeing in Tanzania using Panel Data
- Role of Shocks on the production / consumption of indigenous vegetables in Kenia
- The impact of livestock keeping on food security and income after exogenous shocks in Tanzania and Kenya
- Impact assessment of market shocks on vulnerability to poverty and food security
- Are food standards buyer or producer driven? Empirical analysis from trader or producer perspective in Kenia
- The impact of digitalization of market information on prices of agricultural commodities in developing countries: The role of mobile phones
- Entrepreneurship in developing countries: What do they need, what do they want?
Beispiele an bearbeiteten Themen
Linkages of environmental policy stringency and economic competitiveness – a macro perspective (Fraunhofer, Bachelorarbeit, 2018)
Ökonomische Aspekte der Wasserversorgung und Landwirtschaft in Bayern mit Blick auf die Nitratproblematik (Füchsl, Bachelorarbeit, 2017)
Victimisation in Rural Tanzania – The Determinants and Impact on Households´ Welfare (Mager, Masterarbeit, Kooperation mit der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2017)